Connect with a Parent Aware Recruiter to learn more about getting a Rating.
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You may be eligible for an Accelerated Pathway to Rating.
Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, Washington
Aitkin, Chisago, Carlton, Cass, Cook, Crow Wing, Isanti, Itasca, Kanabec, Koochiching, Lake, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Pine, St. Louis, Todd, Wadena
Becker, Beltrami, Clay, Clearwater, Douglas, Grant, Hubbard, Kittson, Lake of the Woods, Mahnomen, Marshall, Norman, Otter Tail, Pennington, Polk, Pope, Red Lake, Roseau, Stevens, Traverse, Wilkin
Blue Earth, Brown, Dodge, Faribault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, LeSueur, Martin, Mower, Nicollet, Olmsted, Rice, Sibley, Steele, Wabasha, Waseca, Watonwan, Winona
Benton, Big Stone, Chippewa, Cottonwood, Jackson, Kandiyohi, Lac qui Parle, Lincoln, Lyon, McLeod, Meeker, Murray, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Renville, Rock, Sherburne, Stearns, Swift, Wright, Yellow Medicine
Call 651-233-2297
Tara Hallberg is the Parent Aware Recruiter for the Northeast District based out of Pine Technical and Community College. She loves supporting providers who dedicate themselves to ensuring the next generation is prepared to succeed and she believes there is no greater job than educating. Tara has worked in the early education field for over 25 years, largely focused in child care center leadership.
I received my bachelor’s degree in Journalism from North Dakota State University, with a double minor in Business Administration and Public Relations/Advertising. I’ve held various roles within the newspaper industry and most recently was a family child care provider for six years. There was nothing better than being able to be home with my two children in their early years. Shortly after becoming licensed, I joined Parent Aware. Without the program’s support, I wouldn’t have been able to access the resources to provide the best early childhood experiences for the kids in my home-based setting.
As a Recruiter for the Northwest District, I hope to be relatable to providers, as I have been there. I understand the day-to-day joys, struggles, and responsibilities a provider is called to do. I hope to assist you with finding the right resources and support to help your program shine and be the best it can be!
Growing up, I always knew I wanted to be in a role that helps others. Inspired by my desire to understand the human experience, I got my bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Winona State University. During my time at WSU, I discovered my passion for mental health awareness and child development. After graduating, I worked as a Behavioral Therapist for young children with Autism and other developmental disabilities. This role showed me how essential access to quality support systems is for the development of children, their families, and their care providers.
When I discovered the Parent Aware Recruiter role, I was happy to find an organization with the same values and passions as myself. I take great pride in knowing that I’m helping providers give the quality services. I am more than happy to be a contact for anyone who is looking for more information about Parent Aware, parent or provider!
Sandy Knipp is the Parent Aware Recruiter for the West/Central District and is based out of Milestones. After working in the business sector for almost 30 years, she opened her family child care program in 2019 and earned a Parent Aware Rating. She loves that Parent Aware combines her professional background with her passion for children and early care. If you are an early childhood educator looking for more information about Parent Aware or other resources, Sandy is happy to help!
Immersed in the early childhood education field since 2000, I have had the opportunity to support quality for families and children in a variety of roles. I earned my bachelor of science in Child Psychology from the University of Minnesota. From teaching in a classroom, leading a team of early childhood educators, or supporting quality and accreditation goals nationally, my goal has been to be purposeful and impactful for the people I serve. I provide email, phone, and in-person technical assistance to accredited child care programs pursuing a Parent Aware rating through the Accelerated and Expedited Pathways to Rating.